Sunday, March 23, 2014

Baby Girls day MS in timeout :)

Had such a good time a couple of weeks ago i met up with girlfriends that I had met in an MS chat room called MS is BS about 3 years ago from the first day we met online we just clicked. Its hard to find someone that understands exactly what your goin through when dealing with a chronic illness but wow I have found 5 people that get ME and get MS. We decided we would do a baby girl photo shoot and it was fun. The hubbies were able to meet for the first time and the kids got to know each other and even roasted marshmallows. MS=Meeting Sensational people. We have met up a few times since we first met 3 years ago but I think they would all agree this day was one of the best.
This is just an example of the photos we took
The pic of us without the baby girl shirts is a pic of the first time we met.  Haha we make MS look good. 

Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Fighting together

MS has taken so much but again I have found a reason to smile.

Wednesday, March 12, 2014

Tennitis an annoying part of my MS

Wow nice and quiet. The tennitis (pinging noise is my ears) was bout to have me screaming so glad its gone for a few. #MSAWARENESS month. Only a small percentage of people with MS have this symptom even those without MS have tennitis. So u may know what im talking about. Mine gets real loud sometimes that's when its the most annoying. At times its just ringing or high pitched buzz then it for me it may also sound like someone is bouncing a basketball or a washing machine swishing water around. Flonase helps weird that something you spray in your nose can help with a problem in your ears caused by lesions on your brain.
Info I found online pasted below

How is Tinnitus Treated?

Multiple sclerosis is just one of many conditions that could contribute to tinnitus. But the real question is how ringing in the ears can be treated to relieve this recurring discomfort. If tinnitus has resulted from MS, it is likely that healthy nerves have been destroyed to cause the symptom. In some cases, nerves in the brain may have been affected to signal the brain to hear ringing. Treating ringing in the ears related to multiple sclerosis is difficult since it is hard to detect the problem early on. Once diagnosed, there is no set treatment for the disorder; a doctor may focus on managing symptoms instead.

Is Tinnitus the Sign of a Multiple Sclerosis Relapse?

It is a possibility. If you are suddenly experiencing hearing issues, it could signal a relapse of your condition. Hearing problems triggered by MS have also been linked to heat exposure, in some cases. If you suspect that ringing in the ears is a multiple sclerosis relapse, it is important to consult your doctor right away. A relapse may indicate a new lesion on the brain or spinal cord that requires medical attention.

If your doctor isn't able to provide any answers to ringing in the ears caused by multiple sclerosis, it may be worthwhile to seek out a specialist. Some neurologists believe that tinnitus has nothing to do with MS. In this case, it may help to consult an Ears, Nose, and Throat (ENT) specialist to determine the cause of the condition. Over time, ringing in the ears is likely to resolve, but medical help can provide comfort if the issue is severe.