Sunday, September 9, 2012
Saturday, July 28, 2012
Fatigue, Burning
So fatigued today, my back has been on fire since last night it feels like I'm sitting in the car with the butt warmer on ugh painful.
Tuesday, July 24, 2012
Trigeminal Neuralgia - Conditions - For Patients - Neurosurgery - University of Rochester Medical Center
today got a pain in my left index finger I thought o ok guess just something else goin on then looked online and found this information. Wow if you have TN it is common to have pain in your left index finger. Ugh I knew I had TN because docs already diagnosed that but this added to that if freakin very painful.
Monday, July 9, 2012
Sunday, July 8, 2012
facial pain
one of my new symptoms is spasticity around my ankles and shins ugh this is very painful still have lots of cramps in my calves and hands but not as bad as the new spasticity. Still taking baclofen for that will see neuro late july. I did get the worst chest hug while camping again this is getting scary every other day it feels like im havin a heart attack.
Tuesday, June 19, 2012
Good Days
Been having some really good days sometimes only 3 out of 12+ symptoms show up. Then there are the bad days. The migraines I have lived with the past 22 years have returned I'm taking my meds for then making them a lil easier to deal with. I recently went through 3 weeks of dizziness doc said it was my MS my left eye had some pressure so I'm assuming it was the ON acting up again because when one eye is a lil off it throws my head into a tailspin. The TN has gotten worse I see my neuro next month and I have my list of questions for her I am not taking the norco every 4 hours for the pain along with the baclofen, 3,000mg Gabapentin and the Depkote all this makes things a lil better but playing a game of pinball with my 10 year old seems to keep my mind off things. I'm very excited because tomorrow I will be going to the live taping of The Talk of which Jack Osbourne will b a guest he has newly been diagnosed hope to be able to share my story with he and the other staff members
Monday, May 21, 2012
Been lil more tired lately. And the leg n hand cramps have gotten worse. Just been hanging low tryin to learn to find joy in this new life.
Sunday, May 13, 2012
My Walk The A-Team rocked Inland Empire Walk MS
Friday, April 27, 2012
Wednesday, April 4, 2012
Crazy MS
so glad that's over it was a long 5 days of blah I sure hope MS lays low for ever cuz that was tiring. My family is glad to have me back , I'm glad MS went back to sleep I did not want roids did not want the weight gain again.
Tuesday, April 3, 2012
Waiting for docs response
Lots of tears this week. Think I'm going through a relapse my neck has been hurting more than usual the past few days , my hands keep going numb,Sharp pains in my neck,chest hugs r tighter,face pain has gotten stronger hurts to have hair down some days, gotta lay flat on my back for more pain relief,walking drunk last 2 days , just get so tired ap quick and well insomnia has me held captive. I called my doctor after 5 days of all this now waiting for her to get back to me if no answer by the weekend may go to urgent care. Gonna head to the zoo with the little one he will push me in my wheelchair I will walk as much as I can. Hope everyone in the cyber world is well.
Saturday, March 31, 2012
I have been ap busy with Facebook and Twitter hadn't made time for the blog my hands have not been 100% or even 80% that may be why I blog less. Just been real tired and fatigued my hands have been having slight tremors again real moody this mess has me on a roller coaster again
Tuesday, March 20, 2012
Pain in the neck
One symptom I have is severe neck pain and yesterday it had me flat on my back I have been only getting a few hours sleep the past few days because I have been in so much pain the Norco every 4 hours is not helping. I really wish a CURE would be found tomorrow. I miss sleep , I miss my old body.
Thursday, March 15, 2012
Understanding "I want my life back"
Wednesday, March 7, 2012
Up Up and away
My chest hug got me last night I mean I have it everyday but yesterday was like I wasn't on any preventative meds for it I could hardly talk,breathing was labored. Man do I hate MS. Dealt a bad hand but STILL I MOVE

Tuesday, March 6, 2012
Busy Day Insomnia
Friday, March 2, 2012
On to the next chapter
Symptom Video from 2011
Monday, February 20, 2012
In denial
The wheelchair my doctor ordered was just delivered it was ordered to help me in times of fatigue and I still want to get out and do things.
Like the mall for Christmas shopping or the amusement park with our son without having to rent a 80.00 scooter wow that was an expensive trip to Disneyland that year.
Well any way why was I happy hubby was taking a lil nap and our lil one was at his cousins when it was delivered and he wouldn't see it?
The answer to that question I just don't have but then on the other hand I complain because my family sometimes acts as if I don't have a disability.
Sunday, February 19, 2012

Wednesday, February 15, 2012
Tuesday, February 14, 2012
Go A-team Inland Empire Walk MS 2012
Monday, February 13, 2012
Pens and Needles

Saturday, February 11, 2012
Hugs that r not fun
Tuesday, February 7, 2012
Sunday, February 5, 2012
Tub experience

Remember you are not alone
Friday, February 3, 2012
Tuesday, January 31, 2012
Tonight is the night
Kinda can't wait for the results of the follow up MRI. I go in the tube tonight will be taking my Ativan as to calm me down so I don't beat the mess out of the walls once I'm slid in. On our way there I felt a little nauseous and clammy never felt like this before o well Mabe it was my cooking so we trucked on to my MRI got there I was fine until they called my name then all heck broke loose. Mam can u lay back and close your eyes me "ok" shortly after me "um wait I gotta get up my nose inches " tech ok well u don't have to do this it will be long and u will be in there awhile. Me "ok well can I call u if I need u?". Tech yes sure I will let u out. Well guys I did it its over and from now on I will say yes iam claustraphobic I don't ever want to do that again blah now the wait is on for results

Sunday, January 29, 2012
To start off my day I got bad news my oldest did not do well at his big track meet he loves track and right now his heart is broken and there is nothing I can do to fix it. On the other hand our cousin that had bone cancer and had the cadaver bone put in her leg has been given the ok to get back on the soccer field no games but she can practice. :) MS wise Wow I was so fatigued today. I went to a birthday party yesterday I think I did too much I was the old me for a few hours. I took pictures somethin I used to do everyday it was so much fun feelin normal again and I knew I would pay for it today my body is killing me I rested all day today that helped some but now I'm walking weird well a lil drunk and my eyes feel weird so I will use tomorrow to rest again. I hope you are all staying well and rested.
Friday, January 27, 2012
A day in the life
Thursday, January 26, 2012
lab results
Wednesday, January 25, 2012
New day new symptom
My neck has been burning for the past few weeks tonight is real bad. I took a 4 hour nap today u would think I would feel rested but no so fatigued. I have been scheduled for my MRI follow up of my brain and spine hoping the results show no progression.
Monday, January 23, 2012
follow up visit
Sunday, January 22, 2012
I have so many reasons to smile
Watch "Quincy tribute to MJ" on YouTube
My youngest gettin his groove on
Saturday, January 21, 2012
I have had calf cramps the last few weeks doc increased the norco to help and it has helped only one problem I now have thigh cramps so weird. I'm not letting it stop me my god sons bday party is today and me and my lil guy are goin to party. My oldest has a big track meet today I pray God gives him wings and he flies past that finish line. So far 4th place in the 400meters. He's got to run faster to earn more money next year please pray for him. Thanks
Thursday, January 19, 2012
My youngest advanced in martial arts and received another A on his science test. My oldest is enjoying his Jr year in college. Hubby is takin me to dinner Friday,My body is feelin a lil better. In spite of MS I am happy.

Tuesday, January 17, 2012
Monday, January 16, 2012
Feelin weird today
The diagnosis
Diagnosed with MS 2009 after years of symptoms
Then July 2009 right when things
Seemed like they were so perfect
My oldest had graduated high school and was set to go off to college
My youngest was enjoying an active mom
I woke up one day feeling dizzy
Then my eyes felt like someone had put Vaseline on them and it was so cloudy I could barely see what I could see was double
But being the strong me that I am I was like wow this is weird but I probably just have the flu
Then my hearing in my right ear was gone things sounded like the teacher from Charlie Brown was talking to me
It helps to have a partner, a caregiver and a friend
I still wasn’t sure so I just layed in bed all day
Next my right side of my body went numb I thought o shoot a stroke huh what no not me not now I was only 37 years old
Went to see my doctor he says well we have to do some tests.
He called my husband and I at home and says “I need you to come into the office”
We were just coming up on 20 years of marriage everything was in order the way we had planned.
So we go in and he says well it’s “MS” Multiple Sclerosis
I am Bipolar have Chronic Fatigue and MS
Having a strong support system has helped me stay strong in this fight to stay in control of MS instead of letting it control ME.
MS has taken away so much but it will not steal my JOY
My Meds

Sunday, January 15, 2012
ME Poem
is it me or do u not see
Is it me or can I be imagining this
Is it me or did my life change in an instant
Is it me or did I really retire at age 40
Is it me or is it wrong for me to ask for 30 min of ur time no I'm not dying but I do feel every moment is a gift
Is it me or if I had an illness that ended in death would there be more awareness made
Is it me or is the burning ever goin away
Is it me or is there a snake wraped around my chest squeezing me til I feel I can't breath
Is it me or am I really walking on pins and needles
Is it me or does my neck really snap crackle POP like rice crispies but painful
Is it me or do I really need a handicap spot to park
Is it me or do I have to avoid heat and cold
Is it me or are there more bad days than good.
Is it me or is the ground really saying hello to me today
Is it me or am I too strong for this disease for others to realize how much I hurt
Is it me or has a CURE for MS been found yet???
At age 40 I retired from my dream job as a medical assistant of 15 years. MS effected my cognative thinking and dexterity which interfered with my work
My symptoms
My symptoms
Eye pain
Facial pain
Leg pain
Numbness hands
Burning legs
Chest tight
Neck pain
Head pain
No sense of touch
Temp sensitivity
Back pain
Stabbing pains
Feel disconnected emotionally
Uncontrollable laughing or crying
Hurts to brush teeth
Hurts to eat sometimes skip meals or eat just soft foods
Leg weakness and spasticity
Neck pain
Hands shake after fine motor repetitions
Eye tremors