Jan 2014 has been better than Jan 2013
cant believe I forgot I had a blog though wow the things MS effects. Looked at my last post it was Feb 2013 wow so much has happened good , bad and good hehe
lets see well I haven't been on steroids since my last flare jan 2013
I changed neurologists
I lost my driving privilege's
I got them back
my son graduated college
I flew to Idaho for the graduation just in Dec
I had a snow day for Christmas since I was in Idaho
my youngest is now 12 going on 16
ok you are wondering what huh driving privilege's lost and got them back well long story but here it goes.
I went to see my neuro in August for some reason she must have been having a bad day she asked me
"how did you get to the appointment today?" I said, "I drove" she says, " Well i don't think with your cognitive disorder (caused by my MS) you should be driving, physically you can drive but mentally i don't believe you should" so she told me she was sending the DMV a form which a few weeks later i got a letter from them saying my privilege's are now suspended. long story short i went and had another cognitive test done which was 3 hours long in comparison to the 1 hour test originally done last July and the results were different they showed i had a mild cog disorder not severe (dementia) which the first test showed o and the tests were done by two different neuropsychologists. I took the new results to my now new doctor (because i fired the one that took my privilege away) the new doctor agreed to send DMV new forms with my new diagnosis then the DMV sent me
1) to take a written test which i could only miss 3
2) to see a hearing officer for test results
3) the results were i scored 100% on my written test
4) the hearing officer scheduled me for a behind the wheel test
5) I passed that
6) I received my license by mail and it doesn't expire until 2018
now you ask well if the doctor didn't think you should drive why did u fight it well with MS we are in a daily fight so i thought to myself I'm gonna fight this and if i am told no then its no and i will move on from there if anything it will make me stronger because i tried. Additionally i put it in Gods hands and my prayers were answered. I asked God to move a mountain and let me drive thru it and wow he did prayers answered.
my last MRI was done a few weeks ago waiting for report from neurologist my newest symptom is neck pain only on the right side and a lil numbness on that side also but the MRI was ordered because it was time for my yearly. I like my new neuro and hope to keep him. My right leg is still a little spastic but the baclofen helps some.
meds i am now on
baclofen 60mg daily
gabapentin 2,500mg daily
nortryptaline (sp)
copaxone injections daily
vitamin D